Julie Zebrak’s 19 years in the federal government as an attorney and in management at the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Department of the Treasury allow her to bring her unique government insights to political campaigns. Since leaving the government in 2016, Zebrak has been able to transform her vast expertise and understanding of how the federal government works to become a trusted resource for political campaigns, reporters, investigative journalists, and podcasters. As 2020 approaches, Zebrak leverages her deep knowledge of federal government operations and complexities, DOJ, and Treasury, to assist policymakers in developing proposals and strategies for the next Administration.
Zebrak’s federal government insights are matched only by her expertise in implementing a national grassroots network of women—especially moms—ready to work online and on the ground for 2020. Zebrak currently serves as a trusted political influencer and fundraiser on social media and in her community. Since 2016, Zebrak has worked with and kept moms engaged politically by: (1) using social media to reinforce candidate and issue-specific support with content focused on the issues that moms tend to care more about; (2) inspiring and training moms to help candidates and causes; and (3) teaching moms how to politically fundraise online and in their communities.
From 2016 to date, Zebrak has served as a sought-after political consultant, training campaigns how to motivate, recruit, train, and organize women to get involved with politics. In particular, Zebrak teaches campaigns how to best leverage moms as volunteers and as ambassadors–or “mombassadors”–for political candidates.
Zebrak knows that in order to successfully recruit moms to work on campaigns, campaigns must meet moms where they are, and provide an inclusive and approachable environment where all contributions matter. Zebrak introduces impactful ways for campaigns how to involve moms, kids, and teenagers, and keep them engaged throughout the campaign’s duration. From shopping for the field office, to feeding phone bankers, to driving canvassers, to donating graphic design services, to texting out the vote, Zebrak has developed a toolkit to marry moms’ strengths and campaign needs. Zebrak knows that bringing women early into campaigns in ways that they are initially comfortable leads ultimately to greater engagement and voter interaction when the stakes are highest.
If you are interested in learning more about how Julie Zebrak can help your campaign, please email her at info@juliezebrak.com.